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Floor suct head d63/600

Floor suct head d63/600

ArtNo 43840450

Floor suct head d63/600

Accesorio para estos modelos

570A, Configurable
570A, Configurable

A powerful dust collector, excellent high vacuum for suction over long horizontal and vertical distances

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600A, Configurable
600A, Configurable

A powerful dust collector, for suction over long horizontal and vertical distance

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710A, Configurable.
710A, Configurable.

A powerful dust collector, excellent high vacuum for suction over long horizontal and vertical distance

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722A, configurable
722A, configurable

A powerful dust collector, excellent high vacuum for suction over long horizontal and vertical distance

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Industrial vacuum cleaner 500-series
Industrial vacuum cleaner 500-series

Configurable industrial vacuum cleaner for liquid and coarse particle extraction

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