Manuelle smøringspumper

Manuelle oliepumper til olie og andre væsker

Ideelle oliepumper til pumpning af væsker med lav viskositet som motorolie, gammel spildolie, kølevæske, transmissionsolie, ATF-olie og andre, tilsvarende produkter.

Tekniske data
Cerifikat CE
    Single acting manual oil pump for 50-220 kg. drums - rigid curved terminal. The telescopic suction tube enables direct application on containers of different capacities. Suitable for delivering low-viscosity oil.

    ArtNo: 30501550

    Single acting manual oil pump for 50-220 kg. drums - 2 m. flexible hose. The telescopic suction tube enables direct application on containers of different capacities. Suitable for delivering low-viscosity oil.

    ArtNo: 30501650

    Double acting Manual pump

    ArtNo: 30581250

    Manual grease pump. Capacity.13 kg

    ArtNo: 30504450