Fire and Emergency Exhaust Extraction Solutions

Vehicle exhaust emissions from a cold-start engine can reach toxic levels in only a matter of minutes within a closed building. Exhaust extraction systems, designed specifically for emergency vehicles, remove the exhaust fumes right at the tail pipe, which is the most efficient extraction method.

Keep your work environment safe and clean 

Vehicle exhaust emissions from a cold-start engine can reach toxic levels in only a matter of minutes within a closed building. Repeated exposure to hazardous and carcinogenic exhaust fumes at lower levels can lead to health issues over time. So, whenever there is a need to run combustion engine vehicles indoors, such as in any fire or emergency station, there is a need for efficient vehicle exhaust extraction to keep employees safe and equipment in good working order. 
By removing the exhaust fumes from your fire or emergency station you can achieve reduced sick leave, reduced facility maintenance and less damage to sensitive electronics. 

Firefighters among the most exposed worker groups

Diesel exhaust, found in fire- and emergency vehicle stations, is produced when an engine burns diesel fuel. It is a complex mixture of thousands of gases and particles (soot) containing several toxic air contaminants. These include many known or suspected carcinogenic substances (benzene, arsenic and formaldehyde). It also contains other harmful pollutants, including nitrogen oxides. In the long run, repeated exposure is as dangerous as being subject to cigarette smoke. The exhaust spreads into the areas where firemen eat, sleep and reside. It even penetrates the clothes. This is one reason why cancer rates among firemen are higher compared to other worker groups.   

Grabbing exhaust fumes by the tail (pipe)

Exhaust extraction systems, designed specifically for emergency vehicles, remove the exhaust fumes right at the tail pipe, which is the most efficient extraction method. Fire trucks and other emergency vehicles must always be ready to leave the emergency station instantly. The optimum choice for any emergency station is a vehicle exhaust removal system with quick release function that allows a quick exit without compromising the safety or efficiency of the extraction system.    


Fire & Emergency Vehicles Brochure 

Fire and Emergency Vehicle Exhaust

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