Manuelle smørepumper

Manuell oljepumpe for olje og andre væsker

Ideell oljepumper for overføring av lavviskositetsvæsker som motorolje, gammel spillolje, frostvæske, girolje, ATF vegetabilsk olje og andre lignende produkter.

Teknisk data
Sertifiseringer CE
    Single acting manual oil pump for 50-220 kg. drums - rigid curved terminal. The telescopic suction tube enables direct application on containers of different capacities. Suitable for delivering low-viscosity oil.

    ArtNo: 30501550

    Single acting manual oil pump for 50-220 kg. drums - 2 m. flexible hose. The telescopic suction tube enables direct application on containers of different capacities. Suitable for delivering low-viscosity oil.

    ArtNo: 30501650

    Double acting Manual pump

    ArtNo: 30581250

    Manual grease pump. Capacity.13 kg

    ArtNo: 30504450